Created by renowned public artist Jill Anholt, Emergent pays homage to the history of the Canadian Pacific Railway, while providing a striking, place-making sculpture and seating area to one of Calgary’s most prominent areas. CPR red, wooden ties, and blackened rails speak to the past, while the sculpture overall provides a playful seating space inspired by the discovery of natural gas in Calgary—a claim that has great significance to the thriving success of the city as a whole. The plaza balances historical significance with contemporary charm, bridging modern-day Calgary with the rich Canadian West of years gone by, so it seems only fitting that the structure is situated on one of the city’s most significant streets. See more of Jill’s work at jillanholt.ca
- Placemaking in downtown Calgary
Slender Features
- 1:100 thickness to span ratio for steel-framed mirror sculptures
cantilever conditions are expressed as equivalent simple spans
Novel Features
- Railroad track and connection used as structure
Progressive Features
- Public art
Notable Value
- Pursued ambitious serviceability limits;
- Used rail tracks and connections to their full capacity;
- Responsive and adaptable during construction
Jill Anholt Studio
Karlis Rikens (Heavy) – diligent, adaptive, and a pleasure to work with
Carlos Amat Photography
Calgary, AlbertaFacilitator/Builder:
Heavy – specialty design-build fabricator of public artArtist:
Jill Anholt StudioBudget:
ConfidentialDate Completed:
Engineer of RecordWorking For:
March 8, 2022